Statistical Research
One of the biggest pieces information necessary to my research is the population of those experiencing any type of mental illness or have been experiencing anxiety or depression. Mental illnesses encompass a broad spectrum of conditions, exhibiting varying degrees of severity that can range from mild to moderate to severe intensity. By looking at these spectrums across mental illness in the world and United States can lead to both nation-wide and world-wide solutions.
According to several sources, around 10% of the world's population suffers from anxiety or depression. That percentage is equal to about 80,197,618 indivuals. Note that this information accounts to those willing to seek help and have been recorded to suffer from anxiety or depression.
In the United States, 22.9% of the population suffer from a respected mental illness as of 2021. That number is equavilent to around 57.8 million people. These people suffer from several unique and seperate severities of their respected mental illness. This information acounts for both serious mental illness (SMI) or any mental illness (AMI). Both deserve recognition and accountabiolity toward, as everyone within that 22.9% experiences a mental illness one way or another.
Biological & Environmental Research
Another element toward my research is the biological and environmental reasoning and evidence explanatory for mental illnesses developed in a person. In general, mental illnesses are widely understood to stem from a complex interplay of genetic predispositions and environmental circumstances. While genetic factors may contribute to responsivness, some environmental influences such as social interactions and life event can also play a signifigant role in these mental illnesses developing.
Mental illness tends to be more common in individuals with family members who also face similar challenges. Certain genes might increase the chances of developing a mental illnesss, and the circumstances of your life could also play a role in bringing it to the surface.